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Infant Script File

Files ending in .infant are Infant scripts.

Get started by creating a new file ending with .infant.

Or try Infant Lang immediately with the Playground.

Create a new file​

Open your favorite text editor and in the file name, type hello.infant.

Or use the PowerShell to create a new file:

New-Item -Path 'C:\Users\user\Desktop\hello.infant' - ItemType File

Install the Visual Studio Code editor and install the Infant Lang Extension to edit Infant Scripts files more easily with syntax highlighting and code completion.

In the hello.infant file, paste the following code:

# Moving Pointer to 77
for 77 move pointer right

# Setting Memory as Pointer + 2
memory = pointer + 2

print char pointer # Will Print M

# Moving pointer left 8 to Point 69
move pointer left 8

print char pointer # Will Print E
print char memory # Will Print O

# Setting Memory to 87
memory = 87
if memory == 87 print char memory

Save the file and it is ready to run.

Run the file​


The Windows default console host (conhost.exe) πŸ‘Ž does not support printing Unicode characters πŸ’€. However, the new Windows Terminal does πŸ₯³. Use Windows Terminal or the Integrated Terminal of Visual Studio Code which has full Unicode support to run the Infant Script πŸ‘ΆπŸ˜Š

To run the file, type the following command:

infant hello.infant

Check the output​


Congratulations! πŸŽ‰β€‹

You successfully created a new file πŸ€–, wrote an Infant script πŸ₯‡, and executed it πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ.

Let's learn more about Infant Lang!